9 star ki: A beginners guide

It’s almost the Chinese New Year! January 22, 2023. What can you expect coming up? Nine Star Ki can tell you!

What is 9 Star Ki?

It’s an ancient astrology system that has been practiced by millions of people for centuries. Knowing your 9 Star Ki numbers allows you to forecast the year ahead, understand yourself better, and even find your soul mate.

Each person has 3 major numbers:

The Principal number represents your basic nature and who you fundamentally are. (If you’re familiar with astrology, this is like your Sun Sign)

The Character number can tell you a lot about what you were like as a child, your inner self, and how you behave when you’re under pressure. (This is like your Moon Sign)

The Energy number represents the energy you show the world and how others see you. (This is like your Rising Sign)

Calculate your own 9 star ki

Let’s calculate your 9 Star Ki to find out what your principal number is.

Using your birthdate, and the calculations below, you can learn about your principal element. Are you earth, fire, water, wood or metal? And what does this mean for you? Let’s find out!

Here’s how:

  1. Using your birth year, add up all the four digits.

  2. Continue to reduce the numbers by adding them until you have a single digit.

  3. If you were born after February 4th, you will subtract that number from 11.

  4. If you were born between January 1st and February 3rd, you will subtract that number from 12

For example, if you were born in April of 1996, add 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 = 25. Then 2 + 5 = 7. Then 11 - 7 = 4. Your principle Nine Star Ki is 4.

Another example: If you were born in January of 1996, add 1 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 25. Then 2 + 5 = 7. Then 12 - 7 = 5. Your principle Nine Star Ki is 5.

Lastly, another situation to highlight is this: If your sum after subtracting is more than 9, add those digits again. For example, if you were born in July of 1990, add 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 19. Then 1 + 9 = 10. Then 11 - 1 = 10, which you would then do 1 + 0 = 1. Your principle Nine Star Ki is 1.

learn about each 9 star ki type

Now that you know your principal number (1-9) look below to see which element is associated with your personality.

1 - Water

If your Nine Star Ki is 1, you’re connected to the element of water. 1 Water people have the qualities of water. They tend to “go with the flow” and may enjoy flowing activities like yoga, hockey, or dance. They are often deep thinkers and intellectuals, book lovers, and philosophers. They have the tendency to fluctuate between being the life of the party to also needing alone time. 1 Water types are supported by the metal element, and metal people (6 and 7)

2 - yin earth

If your Nine Star Ki is 2, you’re connected to the element of yin earth. Yin earth is soft earth like compost or sand. 2 Earth people have these qualities of yin earth, which are nurturing and supportive. They’re receptive, thoughtful, caring, and service-oriented. 2 Yin Earth types are supported by the fire element, and fire people (9)

3 - yang wood

If your Nine Star Ki is 3, you’re connected to the element of yang wood. Yang wood is the energy of spring. Like fresh grass that springs back after it’s been stepped on, or like a sprout emerging from a seed. 3 Wood people have these energetic, always growing, and ready to bounce back qualities. This type is excellent at keeping things going and starting new projects. 3 Yang Wood types are supported by the water element, and water people (1) Though they may have a difficult relationship with metal people, they can seek support from the metal element and people (6 and 7) to help finish projects

4 - yin wood

If your Nine Star Ki is 4, you’re connected to the element of yin wood. Yin wood is like a big solid oak tree, with deep roots and full branches. 4 Wood people have the qualities of yin wood: intuitive and observant. Moving slowly and deliberately with care. This type is highly sensitive to the world around them, and can be stubborn. 4 Yin Wood types are supported by the water element, and water people (1)

5 - earth

If your Nine Star Ki is 5, you’re connected to the element of earth. Earth is synonymous with stability, grounding and boundaries. 5 Earth people share these qualities in the way that they move slowly, thoughtfully, and with purpose. 5 Earths tend to support and take care of others, and have the potential for great leadership as they unify their teams. 5 Earth types are supported by the fire element, and fire people (9)

6 - yang metal

If your Nine Star Ki is 6, you’re connected to the element of yang metal. Yang metal is sharp, precise, and strong - like a sword. 6 Metal people have the qualities of metal such as clarity, reflection, power and confidence. Many are artists, with elegance and an eye for beauty. They’ll take something unrefined and make it beautiful using a deliberate process, like spreadsheets. As communicators, they are often organized and straight to the point. 6 Yang Metal types are supported by the earth element, and earth people (2, 5, 8)

7 - yin metal

If your Nine Star Ki is 7, you’re connected to the element of yin metal. Ying metal is refined metal, like polished jewelry. 7 Metal people have the qualities of refined metal such as elegance and charm. They are cheerful, playful and like to have a good time. They flourish when receiving attention and support. 7 Yin Metal types are supported by the earth element, and earth people (2, 5, 8)

8 - yang earth

If your Nine Star Ki is 8, you’re connected to the element of yang earth. Yang earth is hard like a mountain. 8 Earth people have the qualities of yang earth which are strong, resistant to change, stable and protective. This type is very composed, and moves slowly and deliberately. They often retreat to their cave for contemplation, and are said to always stick up for the underdog. 8 Yang Earth types are supported by the fire element, and fire people (9)

9 - fire

If your Nine Star Ki is 9, you’re connected to the element of fire. Fire element is all about clarity and vision, warmth, and inspiration. 9 Fire people have the qualities of fire, like a candle they are bright and sparkling. Their ideas spread. They wear their hearts on their sleeves. 9 Fire types are supported by the wood element, and wood people (3, 4)

2023: year of the water rabbit

What does your 9 Star Ki mean for you in the upcoming year of 2023? CLICK HERE

Go deeper with a personalized 9 star ki report

Now that you know your Principal 9 Star Ki number, would you like to learn more about your character numbers and energetic numbers?

Click here to purchase a complete, personalized 9 Star Ki Astrology Report (10 pages) for just $54

This 10 page report includes

  • A reading of all three of your numbers.

  • What your personality is like

  • How you relate to others

  • What your sex life is like

  • What careers are best suited for you

  • What you can expect in 2023 and beyond

Let’s find out! Order your 9 Star Ki report now for only $54 Click here


9 Star Ki forecast for 2023


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