love & Partnership

💗#1 Love Story: Nightstands by the bed 💗

My bed had space on both sides of it, so I thought I had ‘room for a partner’ to come into my life. But my nightstands were really just a couple of square wicker baskets, and they were pretty wobbly. Really wobbly, actually. I finally invested in two really nice nightstands. And not only did I feel like a grown ass woman who had completely upgraded her bedroom, I also met a wonderful gentleman soon after. He’s handsome, kind, and stable. Maybe it’s coincidence… but I think it’s thanks to these new nightstands and the feeling of mature confidence that they gave me. - Sara

💗#2 Love Story: The Hairstyle Cure 💗

I always thought I wanted to date a musician, or some brooding artist. But my past relationships hadn’t been satisfying. So I tried the feng shui hairstyle cure for 15 days. And I met my current husband, who’s an attorney. Who knew right? We are so happy together. - Laura

💗#3 Partnership Story: The Orchid Cure 💗

I knew I wasn’t ready for a new relationship yet, but I put an orchid in my relationships area anyways to ‘call in an elegant partner’. At the time I wasn’t sure why I was doing it. But what I received was an excellent accountability partner! I connected with a woman in my group who had a similar goal as me, and we did a 27 day ritual together. She also recommended a great book called “Single on Purpose” and I laughed at the beautiful irony of it all. - Sara



